Brief from client
Nowadays, there are different projects and ONG running, many of them have an only vision, o perhaps searching for a or volunteers but without knowing where you can go or ask for help. Due to this, many good projects fails or do not accomplish their goals.
Dinamo social has with the goal to be a way for connecting, making good relationships and synergies between different entities, organizations, local areas and people who manage projects with intentions for getting a impact in the population.
So, Dinamo Social through a web page projects of social leadership looks for exposing their entrepreneurship and social projects in the development and the implementation, in order to generate a dynamic and interaction between social leaders, citizens, volunteers, public entities, private companies, universities and/or financing sources, in order to establish bridges that establish new ties which allow to accomplish ours goals which these social projects follow to contribute in the development of our country.
The main compromise of Dinamo Social is the articulation and the efficiency of its social projects in Peru.
English please.
There should be a disclaimer because it's getting really annoying.
Is there a rule that briefs need to written in English?
(This isn't meant to sound sassy, I really don't know!)
There's no specific rule. It's just common courtesy.
ok :)
I really like this logo. I'd like to see a version without the background though.
Apart from that the symbol works really well and so does the font.
Good job!