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Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

Drivewire - Classic Rock Band

Brief from client 

This is a logo that was proposed for our classic rock cover band. We're interested in getting some opinions.

This is a logo that was proposed for our classic rock cover band. Our current logo, which is not really a logo, but just DRIVEWIRE in a particular font, can be seen here:


bgowder's picture
5 pencils

To clarify, the proposed logo is the black logo in the middle. The entire image is proposed to be the backdrop in our band's demo video.

ietPt's picture
13 pencils

It look like an «DeLuxe Gothic» font with a line in it and a drop shadow...

ietPt's picture
13 pencils

20 minutes later, here a new idea . . . a sound wave.


bgowder's picture
5 pencils

That looks pretty cool. I wonder if we could create it so that it looks good in a single color.

ietPt's picture
13 pencils

I've done a grayscale of it.
Sadly, I already trash it.

and it would had need more work on it. If I really had to do it, I would look for a wave from one of the bands you cover and choose the song that you really like. than play with the wave so it fit better.

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

I like the feel of this. Definitely something to extract ideas from.

bgowder's picture
5 pencils

I like the jagged line approach, but it probably needs way fewer jagged lines.

Cesardesign18's picture
58 pencils

In fact it seems very confusing and readability is lost.

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

The drop shadow is really distracting.

Apart from this, I don't really get a rock band vibe from this. Overall, it's a bit underwhelming.

Not to mention, relying on type alone is difficult because a standard font with minimal treatment typically doesn't cut it. I would consider a symbol to accompany it, or go with a font that really stands out.

Best of luck.

darkreixor's picture
76 pencils

I thought it was a tool brand for like screwdrivers or hardware haha...
It doesn't work also as a should drop the idea of having a background made with the text

bgowder's picture
5 pencils

I dislike it greatly and was absolutely shocked when I was told this would be the backdrop for our band's demo video. Thanks for the posts. Please keep them coming.

bgowder's picture
5 pencils

I like how this WordPress theme designed the Vocal logo, with the jagged lines to show energy and the microphone to show music.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Actually the original logo looks way better than this one, especially considering you are a rock arena band.

The new one looks like some super dated electro band from the 80's.

Pro tip: no drop shadow behind a word mark.

Good luck!

bgowder's picture
5 pencils

I agree with preferring the original logo over the one posted here to kick off this discussion. Two of the other guys in the band are chomping at the bit for a new logo and that ESPNish font is what surfaced. So, I'm trying to come up with something more suitable than both of those.

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