edpinheiro | Tue, 02/03/2015 - 19:30
Brief from client
Evolução da logomarca DTR, que está acrescentando novos produtos e serviços à sua linha de atuação, além de mudança na sociedade. A atual diretoria solicitou que se criasse uma nova marca, sem perder a essência da antiga. Optei por excluir o mapa do Brasil e envolver a marca. Acredito que ficou mais leve e atende a expansão prevista.
"Evolution logo DTR , which is adding new products and services to its line of action , and change in society. The current board requested that created a brand new, without losing the essence of the old . I chose to delete the map of Brazil and involve the brand. I believe that was lighter and meets the intended expansion ." -Google Translate // Not sure about this one. What does the company do? It looks like a trucking company. I don't mind the font work, however it definitely needs a lot of attention. Ditch the swoosh unless you can incorporate it somehow into the meaning of the logo. Good luck.