Farmasi Infaq
firdauskhalib | Thu, 08/13/2015 - 09:18
Brief from client
logo designed for a local pharmacy. wants to include pestle & mortar. Color blue & green in any shades. Infaq is an arab words means spending, disbursement simply to please God without asking for any favor or hoping for a return.
It's good start. It needs few works especially the pestle (could be longer) and mortar (not a fan of the leaf). Overall mabruk.
I personally like when they combine or blend Arabic calligraphy with Latin brands.
I know writing Arabic itself was an art, probably the greatest writing when it comes to design and artisan. It's the greatest typography on earth. I personally like old Arabic decorations especially Islamic. I'm surprised that there are not too many Arabia based graphic designers even tho the Maghrib region (North Africa) they have pool of talents especially Algerians.
I'm big fan of Arabic/Persian calligraphy.
I've take out the symbol but keep one of the required element (Leaf).
I read "nfac". As Bariqo said, the pestle is too short and can't really be read as an I. Also, I don't really see the mortar. It's a bit too complicated to shove 3 elements together and keep a good readability. Just keep things simple.
I like that second version you posted. The Arabic script looks nice though it would need some tweaking. But I the general simplicity of it, albeit a bit generic.
Keep it up!
I would go for the second version if the clientele are based in Arabia. Maybe make the "qaf" like a mortar shape but otherwise its clean, fresh and pharmacy all the way.
If you know Arabic, which obviously you do, always look at Arabic calligraphy as inspiration because that is art.
Emirates Airlines logo is good example.
I would say it's time to collect al faluus :)