Fitness Retreats
beethedesigner | Sat, 10/22/2011 - 20:40
Brief from client
All-inclusive fitness programme catering to small groups.

This was the original concept I proposed for my previously submitted Fitness Retreats logo. Although I so LOVED my little suitcase/dumbbell combo, the client wasn't digging it. Sooo... I decided to go back to the original and fancy it up some.
I'm not happy with the font I used for "Fitness" (Rockwell) but I'm having trouble finding something better.
Suggestions, anyone?
true, for the letters used fitness is too stiff, you might try a more flexible font.
to tifografi retreats there is no problem, still can be read clearly even though the small size. in terms of tifografi I also still hard to determine a match. but this is good.
Sorry, I don't like this version at all. The V1 is much better.
I agree with you entirely. But my client doesn't. So I'm stuck with this one and I'm looking for suggestions. What do you think?
I really liked the previous version (although I still don't think it was a nice match fot a Retreat center, but the symbol was really great.)
This one is a bit dull :( Sorry.
"Fitness" sits too much on the head of the "R". The symbol is too close to the text part.