Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.
Well man, as you know, the cube is an overused element, depicted in thousands of ways, so, now you have a nice typography below a boring and common average symbol, right?
So, in the technology industry, what does the cube means? Storage? Servers? Facilities?
Try to discover what does the company do that make it different to stand out of the rest.
And if in the end your research obliges you to use a cube, take your mobile phone with attached camera and shot a real cube trying to see it in a novel way: put it below multiple lightning environments and intensities, trying to discover that face that no one has seen before.
Just then, get that picture in your illustration software and make the trace, refine those angles or corners you don't like and voilá!
Can you see that Y element that comes from the center of the three squares? Well: detete the squares and draw that lines, and, if needed, just make it as bold as your typography to get the look (or maybe, proportionally thinner), what do you think?
If you need a little more advice look at this: the Y symbol represents something like intersection: two ways that becomes one in common: this is what happen with web sites/users: your web developments shall to be as good as they can become the part that users need to follow their way, catch it?
The cube shape seems off- like if put together it would not actually form a box- and the corners are odd- some more rounded than others.
The "f" seems thicker, maybe use the "l" as a reference for how thick the stroke should be, so the type looks uniform.
The name is adorable. I personally love the color orange. But like Darbo said, I have no idea what this company is, or what it does. A cube is quite overused, but I can't even critique as to whether or not the symbol is appropriate.
Made the icon smaller
Well man, as you know, the cube is an overused element, depicted in thousands of ways, so, now you have a nice typography below a boring and common average symbol, right?
So, in the technology industry, what does the cube means? Storage? Servers? Facilities?
Try to discover what does the company do that make it different to stand out of the rest.
And if in the end your research obliges you to use a cube, take your mobile phone with attached camera and shot a real cube trying to see it in a novel way: put it below multiple lightning environments and intensities, trying to discover that face that no one has seen before.
Just then, get that picture in your illustration software and make the trace, refine those angles or corners you don't like and voilá!
Hope this advice will help.
Good luck!
Great advice dude! :)
I think we got it!
Can you see that Y element that comes from the center of the three squares? Well: detete the squares and draw that lines, and, if needed, just make it as bold as your typography to get the look (or maybe, proportionally thinner), what do you think?
If you need a little more advice look at this: the Y symbol represents something like intersection: two ways that becomes one in common: this is what happen with web sites/users: your web developments shall to be as good as they can become the part that users need to follow their way, catch it?
Hope this stimulates your own inspiration.
Once again: goood luuuck!
The cube shape seems off- like if put together it would not actually form a box- and the corners are odd- some more rounded than others.
The "f" seems thicker, maybe use the "l" as a reference for how thick the stroke should be, so the type looks uniform.
The name is adorable. I personally love the color orange. But like Darbo said, I have no idea what this company is, or what it does. A cube is quite overused, but I can't even critique as to whether or not the symbol is appropriate.