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ganesh update logo 1
nilsbouke | Sat, 05/02/2015 - 11:26
Brief from client
same project:
It is a work retreat for artist, families, digital nomads, photographers, etc.
Keywords are: ganesh, house(thai style), beach.
I got your idea of making an elephant into a lower case " g " and it is a step in a right direction in my humble opinion. I played with your idea a bit on my own and would suggest for you make an elephant's task by using a half of your roof design. Also, I added a lower case " h " for houses as a negative space on a right part of elephant to make two initials in one logo - perhaps, you can make whole script in a lower case, as well. I think that an elephant's eye can be done by using a roof's shape on a smaller scale by reversing it and then putting on 45 degree angle. Just a few thoughts on my own to give you some ideas...Great job!
This really cool. But I don't like what you did with the font, which pretty goof in and out of itself. The G looks really weird, as it's a lower case and the rest of the characters are all caps. I know you did it so it looks like the symbol, you shouldn't, it's redundant. Also, the two Hs stuck together doesn't bring anything, besides complications.
I love designs that play with negative space and look like other things. When I first looked at the this I saw a lower case “G” that was frowning under a roof of some type. Then I looked again and saw and elephant with no ears wearing a very strange hat.
The problem is the ear of the elephant. Is there a way to make the ear a bit more discernible? Maybe add a thin white line going vertically from where he white space is in the trunk to create just the suggestion of the bottom of the elephant’s ear.
I agree with Shawali, the font doesn’t work. Actually the font in your other version of the logo (the gray font and the elephant with the hands) would work a lot better here.
I got your idea of making an elephant into a lower case " g " and it is a step in a right direction in my humble opinion. I played with your idea a bit on my own and would suggest for you make an elephant's task by using a half of your roof design. Also, I added a lower case " h " for houses as a negative space on a right part of elephant to make two initials in one logo - perhaps, you can make whole script in a lower case, as well. I think that an elephant's eye can be done by using a roof's shape on a smaller scale by reversing it and then putting on 45 degree angle. Just a few thoughts on my own to give you some ideas...Great job!
or could be done with an upper case " H " , too...
or it could be done this way with an elephant looking as a lower case " g " and TOP part of elephant resembles upper case " H ".
or could be done this way with an upper " H " being made on an elephant's trunk, curving all the way down...
or minimize amount of " H " on a trunk?
This really cool. But I don't like what you did with the font, which pretty goof in and out of itself. The G looks really weird, as it's a lower case and the rest of the characters are all caps. I know you did it so it looks like the symbol, you shouldn't, it's redundant. Also, the two Hs stuck together doesn't bring anything, besides complications.
Keep it simple!
Anyway, that's a really cool logo!
I love designs that play with negative space and look like other things. When I first looked at the this I saw a lower case “G” that was frowning under a roof of some type. Then I looked again and saw and elephant with no ears wearing a very strange hat.
The problem is the ear of the elephant. Is there a way to make the ear a bit more discernible? Maybe add a thin white line going vertically from where he white space is in the trunk to create just the suggestion of the bottom of the elephant’s ear.
I agree with Shawali, the font doesn’t work. Actually the font in your other version of the logo (the gray font and the elephant with the hands) would work a lot better here.
A stylish lower case " g " depict a head of an elephant with its trunk curved in. Negative space between a trunk's curve and ear resembles a task.
This is way too similar to Evernote's logo. The front facing elephant may be the route you'll have to take here.