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Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

Gene Art Design

Brief from client 

I did this Logo myself, and it is also trademarked and copyrighted in the USA.
The abstract concept is the analogy of DNA that is the strand that brings forth identity and life of any particular human/species.
Simply put the concept of what i Call "genetic art".
In a similar manner, every particular product/service originates from the companies logo.
A logo, like a DNA strand represents what the overall image will become as the person/species is being born. Like a single strand of Dna will tell how tall a person will be based on code, so does a logo in its simplicity and identity represents a particular company, from the particular color chosen to the iconic features of a logo design.

This logo is designed for the purpose of expressing the meaning of an icon done through art in helping connect with clients and thier company.

Gene Art Design is the logo I have made for my own freelance graphic design company.

I was striving to help future clients understand their personal meaning/identity of their business, and that can come from the designed logo itself.

1. G in Gene represents in form of a strand
2. A in art represents art
3. two typographic icons coming together to form a work of art.
4. Simplicity, i think i should get rid of the pen tools and the strand of DNA and the columns on the hair

As much as i took some time designing this logo I feel
that there is a problem

1. this logo, lacks unity in its consistency and harmony of the parts.

2. If G and A are ok, what should D look like?

3. A designer is at heart a simplifier, but this logo lacks simplicity
and elegance

Which I have no idea how to make this logo simple
What I am asking of you fine critique rs:

1. How should i make this logo the simplest it can be but it also be a strong and eye catching logo?

2. Should I make the hair look as close to the DNA strands as possible, reducing the contrasts by one. If So, How?

3. If i should keep the A and the G, what should i do for D?

4. Of the 8 fonts suggested which ones do you most highly suggest?

5. Since this logo is more of an illustration than a logo, and
a complex mess, what kind of logo would best describe the concept of genetic art and I am trying to represent?

If any of you have any idea what can be done or can send me a sketch/image of how my logo could be more simpler and better, please be free to drop me a line!


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

I totally agree with Shanuea on this one. This is way too complicated and the idea itself is too complicated. Damn, even this post it too complicated =)

First, when posting on this site, just upload one logo on its own, a bit of context and that's it. No trademark thingies or a whole list of fonts. Just upload the logo and people will tell you it works or not. They might give you a few pointers, but they won't, or shouldn't, tell you how to do your job. The goal here is for you to learn, not get your work done for you.

My advice is to scrap the whole thing and restart from scratch. If you want to make a logo for yourself as a graphic designer, go for a signature more than a corporate type logo. Something really simple, with a little visual hook people can remember you by. Could be a little symbol or a nicely altered font... Maybe with a bit more experience under your belt, you'll be able to do a hand lettered word mark. But for now, keep it simple.

Your logo here has to be the most complicated logo I've ever seen on BotW. So many things going on at the same time. I like complex designs (check out Joe White's work on this site: ) but do not confuse "complex" with "complicated". Or "simple" with "simplistic", for that matter. Like Shanuea, I was unable to see the G. When I first looked at the thumbnail, I thought it was a logo for a hospital or something relating to the medical field. And what's up with that Medusa head? What does it have to do with anything? Basically, the whole thing looks like 2 logos crammed together.

Also, get rid of all the cheesy effects, such as bevel and emboss, reflection, etc. All these run-off-the-mill stuff just makes your logo look cheap and amateurish.

Learn about fonts. None in that obnoxious list work. Moreover, making a list is useless. A type will only work in the context of a global design, not on in the middle of 10 other fonts. And again, picking a font is your job. It calls for you personal taste and sensibility, not someone else's. Like I said in many other posts, forget about DaFont. Check out sites like, or, where you can download really cool types for free. Keep an eye also on to extend your font knowledge and to understand how fonts work. And here's for the basics of typography:

So to conclude, start off fresh, grab and a pen and sketch like crazy until you have something you like, yet simple and memorable. Then and only then use your computer to execute that idea.

Good luck!

Geneartdesign's picture
1 pencil

thanks for the info! ill get on it on my day off, i have to head to work right now, thanks guys!

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