Brief from client
This is for my own business. Glen Ellen Designs is a business that provides web site design and development, graphic design for print or web, as well as virtual assistant services.
This logo is an attempt to capture the beauty of Glen Ellen located in Sonoma Valley, Ca.
I would like to say that this logo has a lot of potential, but there are a lot of glaring issues with it. Namely the symbol - It looks like you either added a filter on an actual photo in Photoshop or you live traced a picture of a landscape in illustrator, and the result comes off as too complex to look at. Instead of trying to "Capture the beauty" by taking an actual picture, use something symbolic that represents that place.
There are wayyyyyyyyy too many colors in this logo as well, I also see gradients among other things which very rarely work in a logo. Leave the colors flat and work with 3 colors max. You will have to redo this logo however and come up with something more simpler - The clip art leaves and picture will have to go.
If you wanna make a logo after a landscape, here's some more inspiring logo designs:
However I have absolutely no idea, hint, or guess on how this all relates to your business as a web designer. At first glance I thought that it was a landscaping or contracting company, definitely not related to the web.
parece imagen y no un logotipo.
sería de estilizarlo y darle un mejor acabado