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Grey Castle 3

Brief from client 

This logo is for a local game/hobby shop that specializes in board games, card games, and video games, along with other hobby products. The client wishes to create a fun environment for families.

One of the unique things that separates this client from their competitors is that they buy/sell video games and host tournaments for them. I wanted to try to emphasize that with this concept, an arcade token. This store provides an opportunity, like a token, to play, explore, and feel like a kid again. I also feel like the symbol could be quite versatile in its application across various social media platforms and promotional materials. Like it? Hate it? Let me know. Thank you!


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Way better than the first versions. The symbol could be simplified, I don't think you need that metal effect and buckler thing.

Keep it up!!

B.R.T.'s picture
4 pencils

Thank you for the feedback. What do you think of this version?

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

I would remove alll the circles and grey backgrounds. Just keep the castle in a round mask.

About that sparkles, as it's mentioned in the comments below, I'm not really sold on them. Your logo would work all the same without them. Keep it simple;

Almost there!

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

I like this a whole lot better than others. Not sure I like the "flowers" in the sky. I think they take away from the simplicity.

B.R.T.'s picture
4 pencils

I just felt like it needed something in that space, and I thought that fireworks would look nice (they're also a reference to Super Mario Bros.). If I made them more rectangular, do you think that would work? Thanks for your input by the way.

ErinsSonicYouth's picture
80 pencils

I actually didn't get the Mario reference to be honest. The fireworks look more like the Yelp logo than anything else.

B.R.T.'s picture
4 pencils

Saying they look like the Yelp logo seems like a bit of a stretch to me.

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

If you don't like the Yelp reference, Google the Walmart logo.

ErinsSonicYouth's picture
80 pencils


ErinsSonicYouth's picture
80 pencils

What cooperads said. They are both pretty basic "bursts".

B.R.T.'s picture
4 pencils

I'll admit that they do look similar, which was something I was trying to avoid. I think the main problem though is that I made the bursts too basic/generic.

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

I think of a firework looking more like dandelion fluff...

ErinsSonicYouth's picture
80 pencils

I have to add that I have liked your general logo from the beginning. I know a lot of my critique has been a bit negative, but that is just to push you further. You now have a logo you can be proud of, even though we are now getting down to nitty picky parts of it.

B.R.T.'s picture
4 pencils

Thank you! This one has certainly been a struggle for me. I haven't created a logo in a while, so I've become a bit rusty, but I'm trying to get better and improve my portfolio. I apologize if I've seemed a bit defensive at times; I suppose my frustration was leaking out a bit :)

ErinsSonicYouth's picture
80 pencils

Well that's mostly what I was apologizing for, I can be pretty blunt, especially when I critique something. We're all human, we have emotional reactions, especially when we care about something.

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