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Holly Oak Marketing

Brief from client 

Testing a new logo for my marketing business.


Katelin Kinney's picture
26 pencils

I like the added personal touch of a's not clear, but I'm assuming that is something that is indicative of your own personality, the market you're in, or the culture in your area. However I feel like the hat could be drawn in a more modern way. I'll attach some logos I found online to give some inspiration.
The two fonts don't go together at all. Holly Oak's font seems really dated to me and the font for Marketing is bold and bulky and looks very mechanical. I would suggest looking at a website like to find free fonts that are a bit more modern. Try to make sure the two fonts either match or at least are not opposites like they are now. The actual sizing of them I think is good though. I like how small marketing it, but maybe make it large enough that it extends all the way to the end of Oak. That way it looks more even.
The colors are ok, nothing really new (we all see white and red logos every day). The thing that bothers me most though is that metallic outline. It again seems like a mechanic or auto dealers logo and is not relevant to marketing. Overall I'm not sure the logo needs to be confined to this box, but if you want it in a box there are just too many outlines right box then white then red then metal. Too many layers. Don't need them. Simplify :)

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Looking at the thumbnail version, I thought it was a promising logo for a restaurant. Unfortunately, with a closer look, this is not really working at all.

The vintage treatment could work if only your marketing firm is specialized in cowboy outfits.

I totally agree with Katelin about everything she said, particularly the fonts not complimenting each other.

A bit more context about your company would help us more giving your a more indepth feedback.

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