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Iceberg Insurance

Brief from client 

The title says it all really. I went for simplicity with this one. As I worked through it, I stripped it down as far as possible and got to this point.

Comments / thoughts are very welcome. Cheers

(Bet you thought it was spam didn't you!?) :)


Jon Askill's picture
52 pencils

Alternative version...

Jon Askill's picture
52 pencils

This was one that got near to the finish line, but ultimately didn't make the cut...

Jon Askill's picture
52 pencils

Thanks Shaunea. The 'Iceberg' font is called 'Garage Gothic Bold'. I'm a bit obsessed with it lately...

I tried making the 'Iceberg' text equal in distance from the iceberg to match the 'insurance' type, but it looked uneven because of the height of the 'iceberg' font. I think it does need nudging down though.

Interesting that you like the other versions better, and I did think of the iceberg below the water but abandoned trying to show it graphically, but didn't see the text as representing that.

I'll be interested what other people say on it. I do like that version as it seems more complete and bolder, although as per my original post - I preferred the main logo, but now i'm in doubt...

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

I love the main font, not so much the second one. I also the love the colors and the symbol works.

What bugs me is the poster-like composition. The word-mark is way too far from the rest of the logo. It may be highly unpractical. The other versions you posted are better in my opinion, though I'm not really feeling the three strokes.

I also feel like you could do something wittier with the whole iceberg concept, playing with the font in a certain way that shows "there's more to the eye" type of thing.

Anyway, looks good, keep it up!

JonAtkinson's picture
217 pencils

What?? No Titanic??? That would definitely make a cool marketing ad.

I really dig this. I think there are usages for all the above, though I agree with Shawali about the strokes off the top of the iceberg. I think the later versions definitely need to be included in the package for practicality's sake but I would like to see them with the same color scheme as your first and second post. The font is a win. The colors are a win. And, between the versions you have, this has a lot of marketing potential. Nice work!

Mniako's picture
14 pencils

I dont get it at all .... sorry

Jon Askill's picture
52 pencils

What part don't you 'get'?

Is it the name or the graphic representation of the name?

If it's the name, then I thought it was kinda obvious and Jon hit the nail on the head.

I had hoped that it goes without saying. Have you ever heard of that big 'unsinkable' ship that hit the iceberg?

If it's the visual solution which represents the name... then I don't get how you don't get it at all... sorry.

M@'s picture
345 pencils

Sorry Jon but as a logo i dont think this works, its too spread out and the composition isnt good at all. It looks like 3 separate things, the font for insurance isnt very inspiring and i dont like how the letters are spaced. The versions you showed that you said got near to the finish line but didnt make the cut, to me look much better and much more complete as a logo. The iceberg itself is ok but on the white background the reflection looks a little odd and makes it hard to recognise. Thing i like are the colours and the font for ICEBERG. keep at it as i think with a bit more playing round you can produce something a lot better.

Jon Askill's picture
52 pencils

Thanks Matt. I'm going to do a rework based on yours and the other opinions above and post a new version in the coming days. :)

Version history