Brief from client
This is my new logo...
The company is called Imaginatika, but I would like to use the abreviation IMGTK as simple, conceptual idea (IMaGe, MarKeTing). Do not use color to highlight the idea in the isotype first. The color will be the next step.
we can't comment all logos u have posted...
please send one for time!
Please post a single design and include a nice, descriptive brief.
This just looks to cold and dry for me to be associated with anything imaginative. (I'm assuming that is the translation)
i don't know why you want like that the M the G and the K,you have a unique there.but its hard to identify maybe you need to try a very simple one and unique.the G and K something not good there.
I am confused too as to why you have pulled out the m, g and k. I assumed your company name was MGK Imaginatika. If it's not, then you need to rethink.
If it is MGK Imaginatika then flow and symmetry are good. If your style philosophy is 'clean and simple' then it works. Many of the legendary design agencies have simple logos – Frost Design, Pentagram, Seigel+Gale and Edenspiekermann to name a few.
io credo che la MGK stiano per anagramma Imaginatika...perchè hai anagrammato e poi dato la soluzione? Non ha senso scrivere due volte la stessa parola.
I believe that the MGK are Imaginatika anagram for ... why did you anagram and then given the solution? It makes no sense to write the same word twice.