RobHanly | Thu, 12/08/2011 - 20:15
Brief from client
I designed this logo for the IMNDA (Irish Motor Neuron Disease Association) as part of a competition.
The form (if you can make it out) is meant to be a positive symbol of encouragement.
You can see a few examples of the logo in use here:
Sorry- The symbol is all over the place, doesn't seem to convey what you were going for, and Is way out of balance with the type.
The rest of the text is clean... right now you are better off w/o the symbol.
Actually I disagree with G13... I love the abstract use of letters to make the symbol. It's one of a kind, it's memorable and the colors are nice.
Negatives: the symbol itself is too large and overpowers the org name... The symbol evokes positivity but I don't get it's symbolism as it relates to the org. Maybe if I understood the org more that would bridge the gap.
hi. This is amazing. I just love it at the first sight. Good work.
This looks good but composition is slightly off.
In my opinion you should make the graphic mark smaller & thicker (same thickness as it is now but smaller scale symbol).
The current IMNDA logo is that colorful and so is their website.
Perhaps they want to redesign to convey a more solemn image? I just don't like the idea of representing something so sad with a multicolored symbol.
The current IMNDA logo is actually the one they chose out of all the applicants. Can't win 'em all I guess! They did say they wanted something more positive and colorful than sad or solemn.
Posted this here because I always liked it but wanted to see what others thought of it and how it might have been improved. Looks like divided opinions... which I expected... but I really appreciate all the comments, thank you.
Wow! the arrangement of the multicolored fonts makes it look like a chicken. The winning logo looks like chicken paws.