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Indian Guruji
anoopvaikom | Thu, 03/01/2012 - 09:15
Brief from client
The logo sholud contain some elements of a guru (teacher). Should look Indian.
Having the brief from the client I've dicieded to go with some traditional sage who used to give light to his/ her followers. I thought this will contain both the teacher and Indian expectations from the client.
The gradient at the location of the heart will give problems in the case of using clipping. I liked the font and the type of space between letters. The indian image ... still can not decide if I like.
The gradient at the location of the heart will give problems in the case of using clipping. I liked the font and the type of space between letters. The indian image ... still can not decide if I like.
Color choices are not working. The yellow and orange clash & the black is not working with the three colors.
Loose the gradient effects
your font is not working to well either