Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.
When I think of the word "Way" I think of roads, I think of paths, walkways maybe, all of those related things that can be used here, but I see none of that in this logo :c
Also the drop shadows on your type is inconsistent, was going to say that it matches the infinity symbols shadow, but it doesn't because the word "Infinity" has an upwards facing shadow and the shadow on the letters "ITA" are centered, so it looks like a stroke??? "Way" has a shadow facing downwards - in all it looks like a mistake with the stroke/shadows, so just take it out altogether.
The symbol is kind of getting there in terms of design, but there are still some glaring issues. Obviously the top left portion is too sharp which breaks the eye away from thinking that its a continuous loop. On that note, since the logo opens-out in the center it shouldn't be called infinity - as it DOES END! lol 2423 hit it on the head when he said that it looks pretty finite, I also agree.
Those gradient shapes in the background? Lets call them goggles for now lol. Anyway the goggles make the logo too complicated. Just take that out as well.
If it was up to me, I would play on the words infinity way and make a path or road that bends into an infinity symbol. But that's my solution for it, make sure you use different font (not a rounded one but a san serif would work) also it can use some color, but stick to the two tone thing you have going on with your symbol. please try NOT to use gradients whatever you do!
Lose the stroke on the type, it looks like it's intended to add dimension but just comes off clunky. The symbol doesn't make sense the way the ribbon folds in the center but not when it wraps around the other curve. and I'm not sure what the light fill in the middle is supposed to be. The infinity icon is very generic as is, try to incorporate it with the type or come up with something more clever than just placing it above the word mark.
I don't understand this symbol. It looks pretty finite.
Your idea is nice, however
When I think of the word "Way" I think of roads, I think of paths, walkways maybe, all of those related things that can be used here, but I see none of that in this logo :c
Also the drop shadows on your type is inconsistent, was going to say that it matches the infinity symbols shadow, but it doesn't because the word "Infinity" has an upwards facing shadow and the shadow on the letters "ITA" are centered, so it looks like a stroke??? "Way" has a shadow facing downwards - in all it looks like a mistake with the stroke/shadows, so just take it out altogether.
The symbol is kind of getting there in terms of design, but there are still some glaring issues. Obviously the top left portion is too sharp which breaks the eye away from thinking that its a continuous loop. On that note, since the logo opens-out in the center it shouldn't be called infinity - as it DOES END! lol 2423 hit it on the head when he said that it looks pretty finite, I also agree.
Those gradient shapes in the background? Lets call them goggles for now lol. Anyway the goggles make the logo too complicated. Just take that out as well.
If it was up to me, I would play on the words infinity way and make a path or road that bends into an infinity symbol. But that's my solution for it, make sure you use different font (not a rounded one but a san serif would work) also it can use some color, but stick to the two tone thing you have going on with your symbol. please try NOT to use gradients whatever you do!
Lose the stroke on the type, it looks like it's intended to add dimension but just comes off clunky. The symbol doesn't make sense the way the ribbon folds in the center but not when it wraps around the other curve. and I'm not sure what the light fill in the middle is supposed to be. The infinity icon is very generic as is, try to incorporate it with the type or come up with something more clever than just placing it above the word mark.