Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.
I was quite sure I was speaking English. Is there a reason you chose to ignore me, or am I so far up on your "shit list" that you can't be bothered to discuss the logo you posted?
Don't feel so bad, he ignores me as well and I haven't been mean to him since like the tetris logo. The problem is... we aren't Charlie. No one but Charlie is that awesome.
Waffles, please stop that. You're more than welcome to leave a constructive critique on my post at any time and I'll do my very best to get back with you.I like Charlie( Charlie reminds me my art teacher back in USSR, in Leningrad whom I missed very much...) - but that doesn't mean that I hate you and I'm sorry if you felt that way at any time. I'm not that type of person and wish well everyone in here no matter how I feel at times with certain comments that was left to me. Let's start a fresh chapter, okay? Life is too short and we need to get things done before we depart this planet Earth.
Well that may explain a lot of your frustration with the rest of us. I must say I haven't heard Saint Petersburg called Leningrad since 90-91, or USSR for that matter. I have a freind of mine that grew up there and went to one of the art colleges some time in the late 80's. What school did you go to, it would be fasinating if you went to the same one..
I passed a few exams in a summer of 1975 and was admitted to a Serov Art College in Leningrad. Recently spoke with a female that we attend that school and she told me that school was renamed. The unfortunate part is that all my art works at the time that were selected into their archives are missing.. I was not allowed to take it with me when I was immigrating to U.S.A. in 1979, as Soviet authorities made it impossible for Jews to take any valuables abroad - similar what Nazi did during WWII.Now to a lot folks Leningrad always will be a symbol with that name mainly because of a siege they went during a war and huge human losses due to starvation and illnesses.Back in the 70's in Leningrad were three art school: Academy of Arts, Muchina Design School and Serov's Art School. I really enjoyed that time ( 1975-1979 ), met great, talented artists and teachers. Love that city with one of the great Art museum - Hermitage.
It's good to see you communicating. My friend Tat went to Technical University of Saint Petersburg in the 80's, in the 10 years since you went to school there all sorts of names changed. My own Gran and Papa Rosenburg left right after WWII (from Volgograd/Stalingrad) before Stalin started resettling Jewish families out to the eastern border provinces, you were somewhat lucky if your family got to stay in Saint Petersburg/Leningrad. Had family in East Germany too, no one got out with much of their stuff.
Now if we could just get you up to date with CS, check out the Adobe web site I think a subscription to Illustrator only is about $20 a month nowadays.
Yes, thank you for stopping by. Sorry, I was not checking the comments on my logos. Client is in Israel. His name is Aleksander Jakubov. Aleksander asked me to create a very simple, conservative type monogram for him and to use only his personal initials.I would love to read a very constructive and detail critique from you, xTheKillswitch. Don't worry about what I wrote before - we all have our moments and we are humans, none of us perfect.You can break your comment with: 1. overall feel., 2. what you like., 3. what you don't like., 4.areas of improvements., 5.suggestions. How about that? I'll be waiting.
Who's the client?
I was quite sure I was speaking English. Is there a reason you chose to ignore me, or am I so far up on your "shit list" that you can't be bothered to discuss the logo you posted?
Don't feel so bad, he ignores me as well and I haven't been mean to him since like the tetris logo. The problem is... we aren't Charlie. No one but Charlie is that awesome.
I still say they are never going to find the body. Just like Misery without the happy ending.
Waffles, please stop that. You're more than welcome to leave a constructive critique on my post at any time and I'll do my very best to get back with you.I like Charlie( Charlie reminds me my art teacher back in USSR, in Leningrad whom I missed very much...) - but that doesn't mean that I hate you and I'm sorry if you felt that way at any time. I'm not that type of person and wish well everyone in here no matter how I feel at times with certain comments that was left to me. Let's start a fresh chapter, okay? Life is too short and we need to get things done before we depart this planet Earth.
Well that may explain a lot of your frustration with the rest of us. I must say I haven't heard Saint Petersburg called Leningrad since 90-91, or USSR for that matter. I have a freind of mine that grew up there and went to one of the art colleges some time in the late 80's. What school did you go to, it would be fasinating if you went to the same one..
I passed a few exams in a summer of 1975 and was admitted to a Serov Art College in Leningrad. Recently spoke with a female that we attend that school and she told me that school was renamed. The unfortunate part is that all my art works at the time that were selected into their archives are missing.. I was not allowed to take it with me when I was immigrating to U.S.A. in 1979, as Soviet authorities made it impossible for Jews to take any valuables abroad - similar what Nazi did during WWII.Now to a lot folks Leningrad always will be a symbol with that name mainly because of a siege they went during a war and huge human losses due to starvation and illnesses.Back in the 70's in Leningrad were three art school: Academy of Arts, Muchina Design School and Serov's Art School. I really enjoyed that time ( 1975-1979 ), met great, talented artists and teachers. Love that city with one of the great Art museum - Hermitage.
It's good to see you communicating. My friend Tat went to Technical University of Saint Petersburg in the 80's, in the 10 years since you went to school there all sorts of names changed. My own Gran and Papa Rosenburg left right after WWII (from Volgograd/Stalingrad) before Stalin started resettling Jewish families out to the eastern border provinces, you were somewhat lucky if your family got to stay in Saint Petersburg/Leningrad. Had family in East Germany too, no one got out with much of their stuff.
Now if we could just get you up to date with CS, check out the Adobe web site I think a subscription to Illustrator only is about $20 a month nowadays.
Yes, thank you for stopping by. Sorry, I was not checking the comments on my logos. Client is in Israel. His name is Aleksander Jakubov. Aleksander asked me to create a very simple, conservative type monogram for him and to use only his personal initials.I would love to read a very constructive and detail critique from you, xTheKillswitch. Don't worry about what I wrote before - we all have our moments and we are humans, none of us perfect.You can break your comment with: 1. overall feel., 2. what you like., 3. what you don't like., 4.areas of improvements., 5.suggestions. How about that? I'll be waiting.
This logo doesn't work for me. The letters read backwards as AJ. It also relies too heavily on subtle color differences to form the J.