J Logo Design
jarnodejongh | Tue, 09/18/2018 - 09:05
Brief from client
Hello, I'm a student media from the Netherlands and I would like to have some feedback on my personal logo.
This one his with a grey back, on my logo at the left you will see the one without back.
My core values are: Honestly, Humour and Creative.
My Archetypes are: Sage and Jester
Great work! I really like the "J" mark. I don't think you need the shadow behind the type, and I would pull all of it out of the beautiful J mark.
I'm not seeing any of your core values, and I'm not sure what Sage and Jester are, so if those are what you are going for you may want to rework.
Overall, I think this could really turn into something nice!
Unfortunately, I won't be as enthusiastic as JNF about this logo. I'll be blunt: this is probably the worst of all the logos from you and your pals.
It's dull, poorly though through, unpractical and badly crafted.
Maybe, just maybe, the general shape of the symbol is something you can still work on, but overall, this is a mess. It would never work at reduced size, for the work mark would be unreadable. Especially with this useless drop shadow. And why would you put it at the bottom of your symbol?
And why is it so grey and dark? You say one of your core values is humour, but it really doesn't show here.
Read the pointers I gave your friend Kayleighs on how to apply a proper creative process: http://www.brandsoftheworld.com/critique/kayleighs-design-0
Keep it up!
Hi Jarno,
I said this to a couple of your classmates as well but i’ll say it again.
Stop adding the word “design” to your logo, its just stupid.
The idea of using your first letter as a foundation for your logo is a common concept. But the hard part of this concept is to execute it well and unfortunately you haven’t done this.
If I read about your core values, you are supposed to be quite the Joker. Someone that makes people laugh and likes to crack jokes.
Your logo tells me the complete opposite. Its boring, grey and the only funny thing about it is that drop shadow you used. And I mean this in a bad way.
You could keep the concept of using the ‘J’ but try to add some fun to it. For example the J-shape has a kind of ‘smile’ to it at the bottom. Maybe its something you can work it.
But if i’m completely honest I would start from scratch, start with sketching out ideas. Try to make it personal, think about funny things that make you laugh and add this into your logo.
Good luck!