JCF Logo
EdgarSacadura | Tue, 08/11/2015 - 21:49
Brief from client
JCF is a electromechanical company in the petrolium sector. (Gas stations...) "soluções e serviços mean "solutions and services". They do various things in that area, maintenence, counceling...
P.S. My English is not perfect, so it is possible that the text contains errors or is not accurate
I´m not sure about the color scheme yet... what do you think?
From the moment I saw this logo it caught my eye as being quite beautiful, I love the flow of the letters, nothing seems crowded or disruptive at all.
To be perfectly honest all I can see that would need any tuning is the same thing someone posted in your previous post.
That being the curve connected to your C representing the top of your F, it could use a little attention.
Curves are hard to get just right and dealing with the handles can seem fruitless at times, but if you nailed the curve, I guarantee it to be worth the trouble.
Fantastic logo though friend, the clients will be ecstatic I am sure.
OH and about the color scheme that is working for my eyes the most is the Goldish yellow on the white background, and secondly the blue with the yellow background.
Thank you! Never a curve gave me so much trouble :D ill work on that!
No problem at all, that is what this website is about. If you thought my critique was helpful, go ahead and hit the mark as helpful button at the bottom of my comment. Thanks!