JJ's Barber Shop
Brief from client
This is a practise brief for a local barber who needs a logo for their new shop, they are a high quality luxury barber targeting middle to upper class men

I went with a modern pictoral logo, derived from a J shape. I tried to ensure that the shape of the J was obvious to notice, but not too obvious. I did some testing and asked a friend if they noticed it and they said they did, however I would be interested in knowing if anyone else does. I feel that element of the logo makes it more unique than a generic avatar as this J shape face makes the logo simple and memorable.
As well as this the falling clippings are an element that I have included to try and fight the balance issue that I came into. I wanted to try and keep the J shape as much as I could, however I felt that the logo was inbalanced was a result, which is why I added the clippings as a way to try and balance the logo. The only other idea I had would be to move the 'EST 1995' so that it reads down the side of the face filling the space there.
The font may change, however I felt that the serif style font further portrays the luxury impression which the logo is intended to to.
Any feedback would be amazing, I am trying to improve my logo designs as I am hoping to study Graphic Design at Uni with a foundation course starting in September.
Not fond of the clips of hair. I think they are very distracting. The type is okay. If you are going to use an EST date, you might want to make this more of a vintage look. I think this is a good start but there is room for improvement.
Thank you very much for taking the time to give feedback on my logo design, would you say that following the removal of the hair clippings the logo may been unbalanced?
The hair may be too long.
I'd say I like the idea but this feels way too forced.It should be way more subtle than this.
I'd remove the glasses altogether, the hipstery barber boutique is overplayed nowadays. I would just keep a simple mustache and a much more understated harirdo, just an indication of it rather than a big wink wink one.
You need to spend much more time working on the font. This one just makes the whole thing dated.
What you should next is to spend more time sketching. Forget about the computer and lay down on paper a few hundred doodles, to find the best way to make your symbol look good.
Keep it up!
For a luxury brand or targeting the upper class market being minimalist in design would seem fit. The clippings would add in to the complexity. The words and the image sizes are odd. Either one should be way smaller than the other.
Based on the elements I never saw any attempt at capturing your target market unless you are targeting a "hipster" niche.
Really solid idea. I got it right away. I do still feel like this idea is in midstage of the design though. The type looks like it was thrown on there last minute and the black is very generic. Keep pushin. This one has potential.