Johan Cruyff tribute logo.
stavengard | Mon, 07/04/2016 - 22:21
Brief from client
A logo proposal for a retro football shirt company based in Europe.

Earlier this year one of the greatest footballers passed away after a long battle with a lung cancer - Johan Cruyff or a " Dutch Miracle ". In my concept I used red/white color scheme - colors of " Ajax " Amsterdam where a legend played most of his glorious carrier. A vertical red panel is a distinguished part of " Ajax " shirt that goes on a front and the back of the shirt. I made his last name and incorporated his famous number " 14 " made out of a portion of " U " and " Y ".
This photo captured very well elegance and grace of a maestro.
I like this version only as a tribute, but not for a retro football shirt company, or that brand is Cruyff shirts?
good job!
Thank you, Maya. My bad that in a description I didn't fully explained that it is a proposal not for a logo of the company but for a t-shirts to be print with a tribute logo, as that company has its own logo already.
Ah ok, I already felt strange to be the brand of the company.
in that case it is a great idea.