KEEN Design
Bajistock | Wed, 09/24/2014 - 19:51
Brief from client
Working on my own personal logo for the freelance work I do.
My first name starts with a K, so I wanted to play around with symmertics to develop a clever logo.
I appreciate any and all feedback!

Working on my own personal logo for the freelance work I do.
My first name starts with a K, so I wanted to play around with symmertics to develop a clever logo.
KEEN is the same width as the symbol, and the subtext is the same width as the "box" you see in the middle of the symbol.
I appreciate any and all feedback!
Its interesting idea i guess, i feel it can be refined and cleaned up more, since my first impression was overwhelmed but looking at it and thinking about it, i like the idea but maybe you can clean it up a bit? maybe thin some lines space out some lines? idk lol like the concept but its not there yet! :)
Also not a fan of the KEEN® Design font.
and are you really going to ® your name?
if so good for you but i feel its not something you need on the proof :)
The symbol would look nice on apparel that I'm sure off. But you should definitely work on your font for the text. Your logo is thick lined and curvaceous now your text just disappears underneath the symbol.
You can explore more with what you did, try repeating the K in different rotations, different angles and different fonts. Only then you can choose a complimenting font for your name and your tagline.
Are you specialized in community management and everything Twitter? Because if you're not, I don't really see what this logo says about you, beside just being a graphic gimmick.
You need to look further, beyond this kind of easy trick. Or if you want to stick with it, at least make it look really good, like hand drawn and stuff.
Right now, I'm not sold at all. It's too easy and doesn't say anything about you, beside the fact that you know how to duplicate shapes and use the rotate tool.
Good luck!