ccmitch85 | Fri, 12/04/2015 - 15:04
Brief from client
This is a school project
this is a school project, I am supposed to create an ad centered around this logo to promote violence and poaching against lion. This is more of an idea. I know everything doesn't seem to properly centered and perfectly symmetrical. Its more of a comp and want your opinion on the size of the graphic and the type choice
You really ought to use custom art, not clipart.
Subtext font needs work, and I'm not sure why the logo is pouring into the H like that; looks odd.
Ya agree on the subtext. Ill change up the face a bit. I have other versions of it not pouring into the H Ill upload after I work on the face. I am guessing you found that on google image search? lol
Yep, found it in about 10 seconds.
If you went with that logo, you couldn't copyright it because someone else produced the face.
This is a school project and for educational purposes only. I agree, If I was getting paid for this I would def spend more time concepting my own lion. I want to put it in my portfolio for graduation so I might as well change his face.
Yes, it's good practice to get in the habit of avoiding clipart. Your portfolio is just as important, if not more important than any commissions you do because it reflects your skills and style.
Ive been doing alot of logos for my portfolio. I just recently found this site so I will def be uploading more for critque so I can have the best portfolio possible. Hope to get more of your opinions
You should really CREATE your own lion as you said "I am supposed to create an ad" LionHeart should be bolder and protection society should have an other typo. The H joined to the symbol bring nothing to the concept. Some work needed to be done on sketch before starting it on computer.
The face of this lion doesn't strike me as one that should be in a heart anyways. Even if you had made it, I still don't think it would work well with the rest of the design.