Little Hen Designs
Brief from client
Us: We are in the process of putting together a Breakfast/Lunch stop that focuses on seasonality, farming, and quality.
Our mission: To sell delicious, absolutely fresh farm to table breakfast/lunch food and drinks. Everything must meet the highest standards of quality and seasonality and combines both modern-creative and traditional styles of breakfast/lunch cookery. To provide our customers with great service by demonstrating efficiency, knowledge, professionalism and integrity in our work. To have every customer who comes through our doors leave impressed by Little Hen and excited to come back again. To create and maintain a restaurant that is comprehensive and exceptional in its attention to every detail of operation. To provide all who work with us a cooperative and rewarding environment, which encourages long- term growth employment. To keep our concept fresh, exciting and on the cutting edge of the hospitality and entertainment industry.
Logo Design: Simple, clean, directs. Keep as green, as possible. This logo will be used for marketing, signage, business opportunities, etc. Remember, “Less is more.”
I will admit, this hit me right in the cute!
Did you try a version with the grunge effect on the whole thing not only on the type?
Yeah, I tried but I feel like it takes away from the emphasis from the type.
I prefer this, it does not effect the emphases on the type.
I like it overall, but I would tone done the grunge texture a few notches.
I would also spend more time working on that chicken. Right now it looks more like you just traced it or simply draw over a picture. It's a major part of your branding, you want it to look great.
So are you suggesting I sketch my own hen and vectorize it?
100 times yes.
Grunge on the entire logo looks much better. Emphasis on type isn't affected at all, I think.
See if you can give "hen" a bit more breathing room on the top there as well.
Also agreed on the hen symbol. Revising it wouldn't hurt.
Simply Excellent.
If you are going for a print style the I would agree that the grunge needs to go over the entire image. I would tone the grunge down just a bit, but that is a personal preference. I like the primitive feel to the chicken, personally I wouldn't change it. Maybe, if you want to get fussy, hand letter the words. Right now looking at the uprights on the 'L's and 'T's you can tell you modified a font to fit. Having subtile waviness of the uprights look different would reenforce the print look you are gong for. Good solid job.
Love it. Agree with above. Tone down the grunge effect, but have it over entire logo. The hen doesn't bother me at all. Only part that gets me is the transition from the roof to the vane itself and it is less noticeable on the full grunge version. Maybe thicken the roof lines or add some type of 'connector' between the vane and the peak of the roof? But its minor. Great work
This Good Proposal