Logo for my own
PatrickOoms | Tue, 10/14/2014 - 23:59
Brief from client
I'm looking for a clean, catchy logo that represents what I do. So I've created this and was wondering what you think of it. And what I can do to improve this logo. I think the colors were very difficult to choose, because the camera icon must not pop out to much otherwise the name text doesn't stand anymore. Could you help me improve, anything is welcome.
EVERY (BAD I'll say) PHOTOGRAPHER has a camera icon (or a diafragm) in his logo.
If you are doing only weddings, this logo suits you, but If your work is more creative (which, based on the logo, I think is not) this logo is not the best choice.
It's suposed that a GOOD photographer is a an artist with out-of-the-ordinary visual skills and good taste. This logo does not say this.
Try more! Step out of the ordinary !
PS: google "photography logo"; you will see what I mean.
Thanks for your feedback David, I guess your right, it's indeed all the same if I Google it.
It's an eye-opener for me what you said, and I will try and look for something more than this.
Thanks :)