Brands of the World™ an All Creative World site
Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

Logo graphic designer

Brief from client 

Needs to look simple, clean, professional.
I'm a student graphic designer, I'm busy with my own logo for my portfolio. Tell me what you think of this logo and maybe you have some beter ideas for my logo.

So, I'm a student graphic designer. Working on my portfolio and of course I need my own logo for my portfolio.

The circles represent the steps I make. My name is Tiffany and for my logo I have my name abbreviated in Tiff.


cooperads's picture
196 pencils

Can you explain your decision to split the circles the way you did? Because of the way you overlapped them, the darkest one looks a bit like a bicycle seat. When you print these colors, my guess is they will mute way down. The brightest green may not translate well into CMYK. As many before me have suggested, go to to get some fresh inspiration.

M@'s picture
345 pencils

I no your a student and all that but this isn't good at all, for a start I'm pretty sure you have uploaded a CMYK image rather than a JPG hense why the colours look so bright.

The name Tiff design i dont think does you any favors, i no it relates to design in a way as it has the name Tiff like a .tiff file, but to me this suggests that you only work with imagery and do not do any vector based stuff which isn't good.

As for the circles... i really dont understand how these represent the steps you take? They look far to generic and the whole thing in general looks really amateurish.

Start by sketching some ideas, then refine your ideas..i.e. pic out the ones that have some potential and develop them, do some research, look online at other design company logos to see what people are doing and how ideas can be portrayed.

Good Luck! :)

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

I KNOW YOU'RE a student, but indeed, this is not working. Globally, it looks like a pretty rushed job, poorly thought through and devoided of any personality or character. I'm ready to bet your didn't spend too much time working on this and that you didn't even make a few sketches before hand.

Now, when it comes to personal logo, don't make one that looks like any random business. You are a human being, not a garage =) Maybe try to avoid the symbol + text we see everywhere. Think in terms of signature rather than logo. You have a beautiful name, don't shorten it to make it read like a file extension name. But yourself into it. Just don't stack some random shape with some random font.

Also, get as much inspiration as you can, as cooperads said. Get yourself a Pinterest account. Check out too. Damn, if I had all these sites when I was a student, I'd be a better designer today =)

Good luck and come back here when you have new logos to show!

BOPOTA's picture
23 pencils

Dark green circle resembles an underwear and it sort of looking as a Micheline lady standing backwards on her knees. Okay, in all honesty this logo is a bust and need a total rework. I would suggest for you to look at some typography before making any logos and go from there on. When you get stronger at typography start drawing logos and you will get better. Remember a golden rule of Art - minimum lines - maximum expression.

Waffles's picture
233 pencils

Look at this inkblot and tell me what you see.

A) A Lion's face
B) Bears climbing up a mountain
C) A tree on a hill with flowers
D) Two Ringwraiths from the Lord of the Rings bending a cooked turkey over and just giving it to it hard

M@'s picture
345 pencils


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