Luu Nguyen nguyen Initials logo
hnguy | Tue, 07/15/2014 - 02:46
Brief from client
one of my first few attempts at making a logo.

OK so, This is a logo for my... imaginative design company for websites. The logo was meant to show.. assembling, things coming together, as you can see that the last few blocks are coming up into the white space in the initials.
If i were more experienced I'd make the logo disassemble then re-assemble... like a GIF or something..
The Initials stand for "Luu Huynh Nguyen". I will have to eventually change it to an actual company name later on for my course.
Thanks for the feed back guys, I honestly was not expecting any comments.
Is this a personal logo or......? i'm not sure what is going on here to be honest, i wouldn't call it a logo either. Theres far too much going on
Without you providing at least a little context I have no idea what I'm looking at. And Zander is right. There is a LOT going on here.
wow uh didn't expect anyone to comment. I'll make things a little big clearer, sorry for not being descriptive.
Oh, and thanks for the feedback. It was pretty hard to find a website that allows you to upload for critiques.
No worries, just an outline as to what it is and what it would be used for will enable us to give better feedback :)