Luxe Life Entertainment
Above Grapics | Fri, 01/27/2012 - 21:08
Brief from client
Client wanted an urban style logo. laurel wreath with crown. She also wanted clean lines and nothing to complicated.
Client wanted an urban style logo. laurel wreath with crown. She also wanted clean lines and nothing to complicated.
I like your job, your idea of urban style combines with the typo and the complementary colors, but, the symbol is not applicable, you can imagine it embroidery? It's impossible, you can simplify it and make your design most universal for think in your client necessity.
Thanks. I'm actually new to logos so I am working my hardest. Question: What makes the symbol not so simple?
Reduce the ornaments, try to not put ornaments under something, and look to don't place too small details, its a very reduce to reproduction possibilities.
Thanks friend, much appreciated.
You're welcome my friend.
The backgrounds and shadows are not needed as we are only critiquing the logo itself. As for an urban style logo i guess this will work if it is to your clients standards. This is more or a badge or crest than an actual logo as such, if there is anything negative I would say is that the typography going around the circle could be better as this serif font doesn't seem to be working. Also make sure it fits perfectly within the circle there are some places where its nearly touching the outer lines.
Thanks. I just uploaded the way I display the logo. Your right, I will revise this on the final edit. Thanks :)
Distinction between stock clipart you used and small parts that are originally yours is very visible.
Btw. this is miles away from any 'urban style' logos, at best it can be called Russian noveau-riche cheesy calligraphy style.
What do you suggest?
Well, for starters you could get some books on graphics and logo design and do some studying.
Using clipart's in logo design is never a good thing.
I explained 'why' in this forum some time ago but I will give you a short version - you or your client cannot claim copyright on a logo created by using someone else's work, hence your logo is not original it contains parts of someone else's work.
For reference to what 'urban style' is please consult dictionary and sources on the internet, it would take too long to explain it here.
ehh.. what ever dude.
I know you are new to logo design.. So am I.. I did this too- the first week. Found a clip art site and jammed some nifty looking designs together.. But what SPLASH said is VERY true. You will get NO respect by slapping together other people's work and calling it your own. And if you try- you won't get away with it for long. So go ahead and say "ehh..whatever dude." You will look back on this and wish you had listened. Plus, real designers are just laughing at you- so why keep doing it?
antes que nada bienvenido no abuses de las imagenes prediseñadas, ocupate de que sea tu creacion todos tenesmo creatividad, bosqueja lo que sea en una hoja si no tenes tabla de dibujo scanea tu dibujo y despues pasalo por ilustrator o photoshop son dos programas cabeceras que debes tener los libros solo te daran teorias y tendencias es bueno leerlos y estudiarlos pero la practica es la que te va a perfeccionar. un abrazo y suerte trabaja mas el logo
hola gracias por tu aportación. Soy nuevo en el diseño del logotipo. Estoy usando traductor Google para entender lo que está diciendo. Bueno, gracias por ayudarme con sus palabras.
sorry i can say to this is no good.learn how to create a successful logo.
This is not "urban" design.
You should never use clip-art in your designs.. How can you call it "your" design??
Non ti arrabbiare delle critiche, ma fanne buon uso. Per un grafico non è difficile realizzare una corona e delle foglie di alloro, devi solo disegnarle, perchè devi essere tu a farle. Pensa che questo logo urbano sia come un timbro. Si deve leggere, ciò che viene timbrato, in tutte le sue parti quindi i segni devono essere puliti e staccati. Fai un pò di questo esercizio e vedrai che viene fuori un logo. Buona fortuna
No se airadas críticas, pero hacer un buen uso. Para ver un cuadro no es difícil hacer una corona de hojas de laurel, que acaba de atraerlos, porque usted tiene que ser el que lo hacen. ¿Crees que este logo en la ciudad y como un sello. Debe leer, lo que se estampa en todas sus partes y luego las señales debe ser limpiado y eliminado. Tome un poco de este ejercicio y verás un logotipo que aparece. buena suerte
make more simple...alot going on