Maybe Good Brand Logo
MAYBE GOOD | Fri, 05/11/2012 - 15:39
Brief from client
Maybe Good is a young Fashion Brand from Germany. If any one want´s more information about them, get it at .
Maybe Good Maybe Bad YOU Decide
i think MAY BE GOOD :)
ehehehe yes, maybe is a good logo...
I can't read the symbol
Hi Arthurmani, the left side is part of the M from Maybe and the right side is part of the G from Good. I am shure with a bit imagination you will see it ;)
Anyway we pretended that reading the logo needs a bit of imagination.
With some imagination u can read the symbol, nice job.
reminds me of DC logo at first glance but still dope logo!
;) that´s right. We also realized that after creating the Logo, but we also think, like you, it´s a still dope logo with his own personality.
I hate to be the bearer of a bad opinion..... I don't like both the symbol or the font, specifically the kerning of the letters. The space between 4 letters and the space between 5 letters is really throwing me off... looks off balance. I think you need a decoder ring to see the M and the G in that symbol. Sorry Maybe Good... just not doing it for me. Not to mention that there is nothing positive sounding about the name of the company. I really don't like leaving a bad response, but if there is something constructive about my criticism that you can take back with you.... that makes me feel better lol
Hi Taz, first of all thank you for your time to give a feedback to my Logo and dont worry, only with criticism we can advance and create something outstanding ;) The problem with the space in between the letters i also see, but no clue how to modify it. Maybe you have ;) What is/do you mean with a decoder ring?
It reminds me of dcshoes, that was the first impresion. The rest is ok but I would play more with the G part (the one waving in the air like it just don't care), because it comes into my eye every time I look at the logo.
Thanks for you replay, one question, what do you mean with -the one waving in the air like it just don't care- ?
maybe... or not... something missing...
Saw the symbol immediately. The problem is the type. It should hint to the symbol.
Thanx for the replay, could you please explain me what you mean with hint to the symbol?
I like the simplicity of your design, but agree that it maybe a little too close to the Quicksilver/DG logo. If the DG logo is not well known in your area and you want to stick with it, I'd just tighten the kerning between the A and the Y a little bit so the spacing looks even.
I agree with fred above, but overall nice logo.