Brief from client
online career portal targeting MBA students (average age 24-35) where we provide just-in-time career support via animated video tutorials, documents and tools and access to a forum where they can ask questions to a professional career coach.
Refine and repeat.
I think the little arms are confusing, but I like the tie and the play symbol. The "your online career.." part is stronger than the CAREER word on top, so you should fix that.
It's a difficult logo to rate this one. I think you have been really clever showing the big arms and the negative space forms the front profile of a person (love that sort of thing and you've done it really well). Where the symbol falls down is the tie as i think this makes this to male orientated (presume this is a unisex offering). Women are much more career minded these days and I feel this logo excludes them.
Try removing the arms