Mindful Therapist
OlllOl | Tue, 05/26/2015 - 17:44
Brief from client
Create a logo illustrating a mindful therapist who is radiating serenity and calm.
Create a logo illustrating a mindful therapist who is radiating serenity and calm.
Nice improvement on the symbol (but remove that stroke on the face) but the font work is a mess.
First off, remove the subtext. Your logo should work withtout it. Have the word mark straight un der the symbol and find a better font that this.
You're on the right track, keep it up.
PS: there are weird squares where at the base of the neck and the top of the forefront.
If this much better although I share Charlie's comment.
There are 4 different blue's and 2 different brown colors with white in your logo.
I think this makes your logo too busy. Most good logo's doesn't have more then 2 or 3 colors.. I would keep it brown but with 1 dark brown color and 2 lighter brown-colors. Perhaps without those strokes? I am sure it will become a good logo! :)