Mozzaika - crative agency and media production
Artur Paprocki | Fri, 08/17/2012 - 01:16
Brief from client
Logo for my own company so brief myself.
Company name should be recognizable in many language as mosaic-ish thing and in my country as well. I'm Polish.
Visual metaphor for mosaic - no "exact" meaning
Random and multi-shape design. Same idea but visually always different

Just another version with squares. Squares give allows me to show flow. M was designed to keep cornery look
My biggest concert to how to find balance between size of dots, spacing for print.
So, logo is going to be system that change all the time so i able to make logo with different size of balls for different usage.
Small = bigger and less dots for very small prints
Medium = most common use
Dense = for billboard size usage
It's better but I would really try with only two colours. Maybe the + could be blue. You can also try a version where c,+ and m are grey at the bottom to get as much blue as orange. The dot on the i should be square too otherwise it doesn't really make sense visually. Can you also reduce the count of squares? Logos are rarely so crowded. You could have only ten squares and it would be more suited for the purpose of a logo. Finally, I am not sure I get the M? If you're going to make a symbol out of the M then you don't really need an icon up there. Again, it needs simplification I think.
I agree with M and colors. Please read about system. I want does squares direction and size to be different for at least 3 scales of usage and changeable by a rule. Do you think its ok? I know one logo that is always look different its called "play",or.r_gc...
Whoa... is literally the words that came out of my mouth as i scrolled down to look at the logo... I dont know if it was a good or bad whoa tho!
I am a fan f this M more, still do not like the c & m in blue i think it gets lost..
and this fits the name more but i still think it needs to be simplified more try sizing your logo down for a business card and maybe a letter head or enven a web banner and look at the quality of the logo and if all those lil blocks get lost...
Can you make the detail much less...
its a nice logo but how would it look if it was scaled down? it wouldn't be as clear so try to simplify it. creative agency and media production should only be one colour as it has a distracting presence. the typeface for the company name is quite nice and it seems to work. nearly there with this piece.
I agree with MONITO
Great concept and neat design. But I wonder how effective the logo would be when it comes to print, as in visiting card and letterheads, since you'll have to scale it down a hell lot etc.
The typography would have looked nice, if that was the only thing your logo consisted of. With extra designs in the text, with the emblem (already intricate), the whole presentation looks loud. I would suggest just a simple elegant text say, a serif font.