Mystique Boutique logo
paintedjeff | Thu, 06/23/2016 - 22:59
Brief from client
Logo should be sophisticated yet hip and fun.Women's clothing store for 20-30 somethings. Floral is nice.

this is my initial concept for the brand. It would be on their tags, biz cards and of course outside the store. The client gave me some examples of logos she liked, but I felt they were too "instagram-y" Trendy now, but probably not so in a year or two, and too busy/complex to have staying power and bold impact.
So far, this is the best solution I have come up with.
Besides a very nicely found name, there is much work ahead of you to nail a symbol and fonts. Good start.
can you give some specific constructive feedback. Your comment, while appreciated, doesn't give me much to go on.
Yes, of course. Remove a circle, find an elegant font for " mystique boutique". As it is your giant " MB " are pummeling a text below. Not sure about these herb branches, thought... They could play a nice role in your concept, but not with " MB " portion as for right now. I'm not really accepting how you have made " MB ", as it feels rough and rushed and it has been done like that too many times in the past. Do you really want to be remembered like that or you want something more creative and memorable? Perhaps, only " mystique boutique " on their own could do as well. Good start, keep looking for that elegance to bring it home.
here is another variation. I think I may try this with my own handmade font later.
The MB looks too much like the MB for Milton Bradley. I think you need to go back to the drawing board and start sketching ideas. It is hard to offer constructive criticism when there isn't really any place to go from here on this. It just doesn't work on any level.
maybe I just suck at logos. and should quit
I don't think so. This is a great first concept! Try again after some sketches.
Also - your colours are great and they go with each other!
Absolutely not - do not quit! Keep working on and you will get the results - that is the only way and I don't know any other.Do you?
I wouldn't be as hard as the other. On the contrary, I like what I'm looking at. There's potential for a really cool full fledged branding scheme. Just keep working on it, check out Pinterest to get some inspiration on how to develop the basic concept not only through one logo, but through several iterations plus stationnaries, websites, apps, etc... Remember that a logo is generally just the tip of an iceberg.
Don't be discouraged by negative feedbacks. There usually are as useful as positive ones. I can see by looking at your work that you have an eye for good design but that still needs to be worked on.
Keep it up.
I went back to the drawing board. I hand drew up this font and cleaned it up in illustrator, added a hand drawn floral. color change, well, just experimenting.
Look at how nice this idea is.
I outta slap you silly from doubting yourself before!
Still want to quit making logos?
I enjoy the challenge, but it's f-ing hard. I have a background in fine art, not design. I've been doing graphic design about 2 years. but yeah, in a perfect world, I probably wouldn't do commercial work at all...
" but it's f - ing hard ". Once my mother told me this when I was a little boy : " the easiest thing is to pee in a shower - everything else requires work ".
This is great. Make a new post!
wow! this is soo much better, you have executed it really really well! good job!
He was about to quit making logos... Gave up too early on himself =)
Well done, its about time!
Now continue working on refining font and everything that goes with it and make a different color scheme to tied up with your title.