Mystique Boutique version 2
paintedjeff | Wed, 08/03/2016 - 21:51
Brief from client
women's clothing store - hip, urban, bohemian- brand colors are red, and gold, wanted something floral or "leafy". narrowed it down to 2 from 4 I showed her.
one of the main factors that went into this is that I wanted to make something that would be natural to put on clothing tags, etc. and appeal to wide age range- 20-45 yr old women.
client preferred this over the other rough that I uploaded.
I still consider it a rather rough version...
I think it has potential but needs tweaking. wondering if the shadow is too much, though I like it.
I know some of the spacing needs work, maybe MB is too large, etc.
just looking for anything constructive.
somebody say something. sheesh. tell me it sucks at the least.
Okey, here it is... :)
I'm not a big fan of this. It looks a bit like a template vector symbol and bleak to me. I feel like "meh" when I look at it and I don't think this even come close comparing to the first logo you presented. So comments on the shadow is to me superfluous.
My opinion is that the first draft was way more interesting and rememberable. I really could picture that leaf printed on the label of a dress or t-shirt, this don't give me that vibe at all.
The leaf symbol to was spot on regarding the company business area and style. This is a no-brainier to me.
I agree. unfortunately the client preferred this one. I'm trying to talk them into the other one...
It looks "auto traced" to me =( I agree the other version was better, but for this I would at least get rid of those tiny bits on the right ( about 3 o'clock) and consider cleaning it up a bit.
There are a few problems with this, aside from what was already mentioned. Firstly, you have two different blacks here, along with a drop shadow. Both of these should go.
Second, the font really doesn't match at all. The best thing going for this logo is the handmade monogram. I'd just go pure text here. Maybe some leaves/decoration if you can make it not look livetraced. This has potential to be really strong, since you've put forth the effort to make the letters yourself. But It's still got a way to go. Good luck!