New Beginnings Tattoo
boyd669 | Thu, 10/27/2011 - 17:59
Brief from client
Tattoo Shop up in CT. They specialize in old school americana tattoo style.
Tattoo Shop up in CT. They specialize in old school americana tattoo style. Went for the swallow since its a very popular piece on the tattoo industry, also when you talk about old school tattoo americana style you talk about the sailor anchor, the pin up girls or the swallow bird.
two different designs, one with the Nautical Star and one without it. Reason for the stars, also old school tattoo icons also.
It has a good feeling in general, but I think the symbol has too many details. The bird looks like it's falling not flying. Overall the layout is very busy. And the colors are too dull. I don't feel the typography either. Could be just me, but I don't like this version just yet.
Cheers for the review
Logos are supposed to be simple and recognizable. This is neither. I think if you work at great simplifying the bird, and lose the stars, the banners, and the unreadable fonts you'll be on the right track.
I think you got the idea of a tattoo shop logo should be, also think you could do it better, although always with more time everyone can do their design better. But I will have to say, the colors doesnt give much to this design i think you should not change nothing but the colors.