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New Logo for Clothing / Accessories Brand

Brief from client 

Immigration Nation is a new brand we're prepping to launch that is pro-immigration, pro humanity. The brand will donate (truly) a portion of all sales (not profit) to causes that are making impactful contributions to the cause.

Immigration Nation is a unisex brand and should be attractive to both teens and people well into the 40's.

Immigration Nation is a new brand we're prepping to launch that is pro-immigration, pro humanity. The brand will donate (truly) a portion of all sales (not profit) to causes that are making impactful contributions to the cause.

Immigration Nation is a unisex brand and should be attractive to both teens and people well into the 40's.


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Can you post only the logo, please? It'll be easier to give you feedback on it.


Version history

  • Version 1

    • I No votes yet.
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.