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New Story Nursery

Brief from client 

For my own practice. This is a brand for a nursery/plant seller. Story book themes will run throughout ads. (Create your own secret garden, grow your fairytale, etc)

Ok I think the monoline was causing some confusion. The shape in the center was meant to be a seed not a droplet. So maybe instead of trying to mix modern symbols with old fonts I should just keep with a drawn look to go with this idea of old story books?


xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

Wow, what a difference!

Okay, so right off the bat I notice the hand-drawn element which I like. Now you have the problem where the text doesn't fit anymore. I'd select a font that was either handmade, or emulates that look–like a script font.

I'm still not crazy about the colors. It seems too dark and gloomy as it is right now, not gentle and inviting.

I look forward to the next version!

Katelin Kinney's picture
26 pencils

Ok I'll do a version later tonight with the font switched to match the hand drawn. In the meantime here is another option that lies in between. What about clean lines with variant weights? I think this takes away the problem of the font clashing, however it does cut out the hand drawn feel. I'm thinking I can still pull that into the brand though in other ways. My portfolio has a few hand drawn logos in it already, so I was worried about making myself look repetitive.

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

Think of it as a style. You don't see many handmade logos these days, so I don't think it hurts, but I'd at least make sure your portfolio is diverse. It doesn't mean it can't work here. I'd say judging your logos on a case by case basis is more important than worrying about repetition. Make choices based on what's best for your work, and worry about how similar they are. I think it happens to everyone at one point or another.

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

I would like to see the symbol be a bit more defined and a little more recognizable. Is it trying to be a seed or a flower? Not sure. I do like this one a lot more, but I definitely do not like the center gizmo.

Anthony Gaudino's picture
3 pencils

Maybe you could replace the seed by a very young plant, that still is a seed but also has some leafs.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Am I the only one who sees a vagina here?

Sorry =)

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

Cut it out, Felix! :)
Damn it, now I can't unsee it. Luckily this isn't the latest draft!

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