Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.
FlorinHasani | Wed, 09/19/2012 - 13:09
Brief from client
The logo is for nuts selling company. its called Nutessa. the first place to use the logo is the nuts package (peanuts, pistachios, almonds, hazelnuts etc.).
You say you have a brief from a client, which means someone ordered a logo from you. In the same time you are giving away the logo for free on a public site and it has been already downloaded several times. Who's the jerk than.
It's still you. You're on a site that does the exact same thing (has a library of downloadable vector logos from existing companies for the benefit of graphic designers and advertisers).
Ok, let's make things clear. This site is not giving away any free clipart, when you download an existing logo of a company you mostly use it for a layout or because your client was not able to provide it for you. At least that's what I use it for, not to steal parts from it.
Yes, I do admit I was mistaken because I thought that the guy is using a free clipart to sell it to a client as a logo. I think it's pretty clear that the reason I thought so is because he communicated that. He never mentioned that this is a free clipart he created, he said that he has got a brief from a client and this is the logo he did for the brief. And I do believe it's not too ethical to sell a free clipart to a client as a logo, because everyone wants a unique identity for their money. Thus if a graphic is sold or is given away in any number, it's not a logo anymore, it's just a clipart.
Again sorry, if I hurt anyone's feelings but I suggest that everyone should make it clear what he/she is posting for critique not just to avoid such misunderstandings but also because it's important from the critique point of view. Also it would be good to know if this "logo" was a drawn thing or just a free font with a bunch of effects. These kinds of things make a hudge difference and if the poster of a logo does not tell the neccessary information than better gets ready for criticism that might hurt a bit.
oscar, this is flaming already. There are a lot of logos that are just fonts and nobody felt dead in pain. Your fault anyway is not that you thought what you did, your fault is that you shot before ask. Usually we shoot after we ask (if the answer means failure).
No, I have no intention to flame at all, you misunderstand me. The reason I mentioned the font question is just to highlight another piece of information that is missing. I have no idea if the designer wanted comments on a font he made or he wanted comments on the way he used the effects to make a logo out of the font. I don't have a problem with typographic logos.
And yes, I was probably mistaken when I thought it was some free clipart, I said I'm sorry about that. For some reason I thought the guy is just designing the logo based on the brief he got from the client and it was surprising to see the same logo already uploaded among existing logos of existing companies. It was a simple misunderstanding.
The only comment I have is regarding the drop shadow. It might look better if the edges were adjusted to look more 3D. The sharp edges of the shadow at the points (the U, T, S's and A) are distracting.
per 2423, other than that this logo looks pretty nice, maybe the only thing I'd consider is making the gradient just a tiny bit more subtle. This reminds me of chocolate for some reason. Btw, fantastic choice of colors, definitely appetizing and cheerful.
I like your logo! Only the name is very close to Nutella, the famous chocolate-nut spread. So maybe that's why it wouldn't be a bad idea to change the colours to something "not-chocolate".
It's sooo good that I bought one for myself too in here:
well that's my logo mate. you can find everything in internet, thats for sure, I placed logo for critiques, but i forgot there are jerks like you.
You say you have a brief from a client, which means someone ordered a logo from you. In the same time you are giving away the logo for free on a public site and it has been already downloaded several times. Who's the jerk than.
It's still you. You're on a site that does the exact same thing (has a library of downloadable vector logos from existing companies for the benefit of graphic designers and advertisers).
there is nothing more to say after thecuraga's comment, just to AGREE.
The darkside of thecuraga :))
Ok, let's make things clear. This site is not giving away any free clipart, when you download an existing logo of a company you mostly use it for a layout or because your client was not able to provide it for you. At least that's what I use it for, not to steal parts from it.
Yes, I do admit I was mistaken because I thought that the guy is using a free clipart to sell it to a client as a logo. I think it's pretty clear that the reason I thought so is because he communicated that. He never mentioned that this is a free clipart he created, he said that he has got a brief from a client and this is the logo he did for the brief. And I do believe it's not too ethical to sell a free clipart to a client as a logo, because everyone wants a unique identity for their money. Thus if a graphic is sold or is given away in any number, it's not a logo anymore, it's just a clipart.
Again sorry, if I hurt anyone's feelings but I suggest that everyone should make it clear what he/she is posting for critique not just to avoid such misunderstandings but also because it's important from the critique point of view. Also it would be good to know if this "logo" was a drawn thing or just a free font with a bunch of effects. These kinds of things make a hudge difference and if the poster of a logo does not tell the neccessary information than better gets ready for criticism that might hurt a bit.
oscar, this is flaming already. There are a lot of logos that are just fonts and nobody felt dead in pain. Your fault anyway is not that you thought what you did, your fault is that you shot before ask. Usually we shoot after we ask (if the answer means failure).
No, I have no intention to flame at all, you misunderstand me. The reason I mentioned the font question is just to highlight another piece of information that is missing. I have no idea if the designer wanted comments on a font he made or he wanted comments on the way he used the effects to make a logo out of the font. I don't have a problem with typographic logos.
And yes, I was probably mistaken when I thought it was some free clipart, I said I'm sorry about that. For some reason I thought the guy is just designing the logo based on the brief he got from the client and it was surprising to see the same logo already uploaded among existing logos of existing companies. It was a simple misunderstanding.
NUTELLA rules!
The only comment I have is regarding the drop shadow. It might look better if the edges were adjusted to look more 3D. The sharp edges of the shadow at the points (the U, T, S's and A) are distracting.
per 2423, other than that this logo looks pretty nice, maybe the only thing I'd consider is making the gradient just a tiny bit more subtle. This reminds me of chocolate for some reason. Btw, fantastic choice of colors, definitely appetizing and cheerful.
Hehe, first I like it overall, nice typography and mix of colors and i agree with 2423media about the dropshadow.
drop the shadow
I like your logo! Only the name is very close to Nutella, the famous chocolate-nut spread. So maybe that's why it wouldn't be a bad idea to change the colours to something "not-chocolate".
Dude, i saw it before, it's rare to me, I don't know if it's totally yours, but i like it :D