Personal Brand JM
j.o.y | Wed, 02/03/2016 - 22:07
Brief from client
Logo for personal branding purposes

Using my signature for my initials JM. After drawing this and my name about 300 times, I am fond of this one. But not sure about how "creative" it is? I know this has been done a lot. I am also not sure if by cleaning it up, I made it look too "computer generated" and less natural? All thoughts and criticisms welcome!!!
wasn't sure if I should upload with or without subtext (name)???
I think it works pretty well.
I always advise designers to come up with this kind of hand-made signature, instead of the classic symbol + text + subtext.
Now, you can have several iteration of the same logo. One like this one, very simple and maybe another with your full name spelt out. By doing so, you'll have more flexibility depending of the context your logo will be set in.
Good job!
I like this a lot! I would like to see a version with your name included as well so i can see how it works
Here are 2 versions (not sure which secondary typeface compliments the logo best).
Yes yes yes.
I would make the default iteration of your logo withtout the subtext (designer | illustrator | artist)
Great job.
Thanks for your input! =)
b e a utiful! i like the font in the top one better, maybe just bolden it up a tiny little bit.
Great job! :)
That M'c' is just awesome. I love it.
I love this whole thing actually.
Thanks!! When I learned to write my name (won't say how long ago that was lol) I was taught that the lowercase c should have a small underline. My father still signs his name that way. =)
i like that very much!