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Personal Health Program

Brief from client 

I am looking for a logo to represent our new 'Personal Health Program'. My hurdles include using the 'B' symbol as a part of the design.

I am far from a graphic design but have been given the task to create a graphic to represent a new health program. Though i have a design background, creating a logo that's simple, modern, and inclusive of our company symbol is giving me trouble. I welcome all suggestions and criticisms.

My initial attempt is not ground breaking and is sadly a mere adjustment to font types with a special script-like font given to the word 'personal'. Suggestions?


2423media's picture
163 pencils

Based on the brief and the existing symbol, I would say that the "personal" type is almost too magic-marker and the red with the green and yellow is troublesome. How about a different script type and choosing a green or gold color?

calebbruner's picture

Thanks for the reply. I am sort of handcuffed on those colors as those are our company's official colors and they are wanted to be incorporated to keep a common theme across all the of the company's programs. with the 'personal', my intentions were to give that word 'personal' a human element to it by making it hand written. should i stay completely away from that idea? or just pick another linetype other than something that looks like marker?

saraqroxy's picture
165 pencils

I think there are a few too many elements/colors going on here. I see that you're not a designer, so before I say anything else- I give you full props for trying!

I agree with 2423 about trying another font for 'personal' and I'd even think about looking for another symbol or making another type of "B" to use. I know this isn't of much specific help, but you've got a LOT of options to choose from! Maybe sit down with a pencil and paper to start, just to get some ideas flowing through your head. (Sometimes having a beer helps!) Draw out a BUNCH of thumbnails, see what pops out at you, and go from there!?

calebbruner's picture

I appreciate your time for helping me out. Some of the stuff that you mentioned i actually cant change. The 'B' is our company's logo and it was asked that i incorporate it somehow. a question i had for the 'personal' part which i also asked 2423, i was trying to give that 'personal' word a human element to it by making it look handwritten. should i stay away from handwritten styles all together? or just get a different linetype other than something that looks like marker?

geracao ideias's picture
269 pencils

I like the idea, but you have to work a little on the colors and fonts.

Stephen Fitzgerald's picture
405 pencils

This idea is ok but it has to many feels going on, to me the B with the lines is out dated, the yellow swoosh thru the B seems irrelevant to the design, the personal is to kiddish and there are to many colors going on here, i would say if you simplify it you be on the right track. =) Nice starting point tho.

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