Brands of the World™ an All Creative World site
Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.

Personal ID logo

Brief from client 

Mike Sheldon - a car/bus mechanic

Personal ID/business card idea for my mechanic - Mike Sheldon.
Simple idea of using parts of a wrench to be included in typography.This logo is combo of photo and typography.


xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

Photography doesn't work with logos. You need to use vector imagery to use across all forms of media.

3monitors's picture
2 pencils

xTheKillswitch are you an oldTyme illustrator? because you can create something with this type of detail in software like Zbrush or Maya export it into illustrator and image trace it to keep levels of detail without having to touch illustrator otherwise.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Good designers don't trace images. That's kind of a big dont's.

3monitors's picture
2 pencils

And adobe has never made a good 3d app for illustration. This is a fact.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Er... ok.

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

If you're relying on a 3D imaging program, you're going about the problem the wrong way. Maya is good for its own purpose, and can do a lot of things well, but logo design is not one of them.

I'm not sure what your attached image is really supposed to prove, anyhow. None of those badges would work as a (good) logo. You'd have a hard time printing that on a shirt, or making it a black/white image. Also, you've demonstrated that it doesn't scale down well.

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

And again, you didn't create this wrench. Killswitch is right, you just can't use photographs in a logo. Logos should be vector based only, so they can be resized at will without having to worry about resolution and these pesky pixels photographs are made out of.

Now, I appreciate your enthusiasm and your drive to come up with a shitload of logos, but you're posting way too much. The first page has a limited number of featured posts and each time you post a new one, another one get pushed to page 2, aka "the place where no one goes". So imagine when you post like 10 logos at once. So, it'd be appreciated if you tried to limit the number of logos you upload. Right now, you're literally squatting the front page. Remember: quality always over quantity!

BOPOTA's picture
23 pencils

I don't see a sign anywhere on this site that says about posting limitations of logos. If you are the person in charge of this site - then make it visually clear and understandable in a first place. Sorry, I have no idea about a first page importance and my apology. Now I would appreciate , Charlie , if you drop word " shit " or any other abuse one when you're talking to me. I haven't done anything against you to be treated that way and will not allow anyone to rail road me at any given time. By the way, do you have anything to show?

Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

Ok, this might be a bit long, but I want to make things clear once and for all.

First off, not posting a dozen logos at once is the kind of thing that shouldn't require a sign or a rule. It's just a question of politeness and respect towards other posters. The site being what it is, only 24 logos can appear on page 1. If more than half of them are from you, I'm sure you can understand it's not really cool to others, who deserve as much attention as you do. Also, you'd get more feedback if you only posted just a few logos every week.

I don't know your level of English, but "shitload" is just an expression to imply an abundance of something, in this instance, your logos. I could have used the term "truck load" or simply "a lot". But in no way "shitloads" was derogatory towards you or your work.

Now, sir, I'm really concerned about your abrasive attitude you've been displaying lately. You don't seem capable of taking any criticism, but boy ho boy do you have some in store for others! Not that it's a bad thing. Anybody is free to criticize anyone's work. Beginners are free to give feedback to well-seasoned designers. But it's a two-way street: criticize, be criticized. That's how it works, that's how you learn. So don't expect to keep getting comments on your work if you're going to bash anyone who dares to post them.

And it's really too bad because, for someone who's just started dabbling into logo design, as it is my understanding, some of your work isn't half-bad. While being far from ground-breaking or anywhere close from winning a legitimate contest, you definitely have an eye for this kind of things and a big drive for it (maybe too big =).

Also, your ability to design with Paint is nothing short of a feat =) That being said, you do need to understand the whole vector thing and get yourself a version of Adobe Illustrator. If you don't know how to get one, shoot me a mail, maybe I can help you with that (to do so, click on my avatar, then on "contact")

So no, I am not in charge of this site. But as a frequent commenter for the last 4 years, and (sorry for blowing my own horn) a somewhat respected voice in this small community, I like interactions between members of said community to stay positive and in good spirit. Save for a very few trolls every now and again, the atmosphere on BotW has always been nice and well meaning. I just sincerely hope you don't become one of them.

Have a good day.

PS: there are logos of mine on this site, you can find them with the track feature on my profile.

ricardozea's picture
22 pencils


Waffles's picture
233 pencils

Here here!

sirarcher's picture

Thank you for saying what, I'm sure, most of us are thinking... and quite nicely, i might add.

xKillswitch's picture
424 pencils

I endorse this message.

cristiano.togni's picture
1 pencil

Idea is nice, but it's not work, you must use vector instead photo, it's impossible to read, need be more simple.

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