Brief from client
As a 3D artist I wanted to make a personal Logo
I wanted my initials (TD) and my skill (3D) to come forward in the logo design.
As a 3D artist I wanted to make a personal Logo
I wanted my initials (TD) and my skill (3D) to come forward in the logo design.
You win.
I disagree, respectfully. I saw a jumble of stuff. I see TJ upon first glance. I had to look at the description to know I was looking at TD. I don't see the 3d. Perhaps it is because it is monday.
I also read TJ. I think it could be improved a bit.
I definitely do not read TJ as well, but I don't think it really matters. As I just said in another comment, a logo doesn't really have to be informative as much as it as to be recognizable.
That's why I kinda like that symbol. But It's a bit complicated. I would get rid that square.
Now, with this interation, it's more a graphic signature than a full on logo. To achieve the latter, add a word mark.
Has anybody a good idea on how to change it, so people won`t read TJ?
So uploaded two new versions wich one do you prefer and why?
Btw Shawali: I rather do not get rid of the square. I want it logo still somewhat resemble to "3D". I tried different things but this one was the best.
I must be awfully thick...where do you get 3D out of this? I looked at the angled bottom of the t and thought it might be a door in perspective, but I don't get any 3d out of this. I think you probably need to scrap this logo and start fresh, but it is going to be hard because you see something in this logo that others don't.
I saw 3D instantly when i looked at this. Artist doesn't need to scrap it just because you don't see it..
I didn`t want a 3d feeling (Im not a fan of those) I wanted to implement the number and Letter. => 3D
Here I made it easier to see.
And no Im not gonna scrap this one completly. I have iterated a lot already before posting here.
secondly as Shawali puts it perfectly. 'a logo doesn't really have to be informative as much as it as to be recognizable.'
btw thanx racealistic :) What is your opinion on the two new ones I posted? Or do you still prefer the original one?
Hey Tom, I understand you wanted to showcase your initials and show that you also keep busy in the 3D world.
But of all the logo's you presented besides the first one. I still find this one working the best. Mainly because with the others the T's stick stretches too much down and causes misunderstanding leading me to read D as a P. And the 3 loses visibility and just becomes a strange shape. Leading me to interpret it as "3TP" which is not what you want.
I would suggest maybe straightening out the T on this one instead of slicing half of it off. Maybe that would result in better readability? Definitely don't pull it down. Maybe make a letter a different shade so it comes out more clearly. But that would result in losing the one color logo, which in my opinion isn't needed. I think you have something good here. Working on something already satisfactory will only give way to unnecessary adjustments which usually end up in not working out anyway. Either way keep at it :)