CesarRod21 | Wed, 02/05/2014 - 16:42
Brief from client
Ask a simple proposal but to communicate the essence of the company

I said as I started again the whole concept of this logo in use other colors and other distribution and how they see the top and bottom represent the two hemispheres ... north and south somehow saying that we take your goods to anywhere ....
como me dijeron empeze de nuevo el concepto completo del logo en este use otros colores y otra distribucion y como ven la parte de arriba y de abajo representan los dos hemisferios...el norte y el sur diciendo de alguna manera que llevamos tu mercancia a cualquier lugar....
The curve shapes in the background aren't helping the 2 hemisphere concepts and they're making it hard to read the name because they are overlapped by the text.
I would try working with just black for the time being until your get a foundation built. You can plug the color in later but it needs to work just as well in one color.
I have to ask, are you sketching first or going straight to Illustrator?
Try sketching some ideas using the P and G. I think someone mentioned earlier that they were almost mirrored in your first version. You could also try to make a globe or something. This is an example I did in a stupid quick amount of time but it gets the idea across.
Este parece un trabajo mejor al anterior, pero sigue sin cumplir sus objetivo. la superposicion y los colores hacen que sea un poco molesto de leer (cansan la vista) y no tiene mucho estilo, creo que la idea de los hemisferios es buena pero la forma de representarlo no lo fue. Intentalo de nuevo!
Hi CeserRod
It hasn't really moved on from the previous concept.
Jon has given some good advice here, but I also think you need to research more.
Thanks !!!!