Pink Ink Logo Design
aeiidesigns | Fri, 11/11/2011 - 02:22
Brief from client

Contracted to design a logo for a company that specializes in empowering women in various aspects of business communications. Primarily in writing. The ink blot symbolizes an ink blot from the writers pen.
I submitted 2 versions for as the finalized look. One with the drop shadow and of course one without.
I like the pink and black color combo, but I think the ink blot is not really a relevant idea. Nobody uses ink anymore and it feels rather messy. The typeface also looks dated. Try to avoid using strokes on logos as they will not work well in small sizes.
I like the idea/concept. "Pink Ink, Inc" is hard to say. One concern is what would happens in a greyscale scenero, would the "P" & "I" get lost? Also why is there no color on the "I" in "INK". There is a lot going on in this logo from the splat to the women, to the gradient, there's a fountain pen or paintbrush, and the lonely "INC" that get's no stylized treatment. At first glance these looked like bad girls with an attitude. Because there is so much going on, it might work better to edit down a little.
I agree with the 2 above, so I won't restate it. My main issue is that if this is supposed to empower women, using symbols of women doesn't work... Basically objectifying women is what comes across. Looks like a strip club t-shirt. There is some bold stuff to work with here. It would be a fun assignment. Creating a symbol to convey the strength of women without being cliche..You could still use the image of a woman, just not like it is here. I saw a logo for "Hit Woman" I think it was.. If I can find it I will upload it. That worked well, and would illustrate what I mean. Anyway, this has a lot of just ned to work it out. Good luck.
Thanks for the critique... The client originally wanted a woman standing in ink that formed the word "Ink". In addition, the color pink was the focal point. It's been a work in progress in trying to capture what the client wanted to illustrate however, the client was happy with this last draft that you critiqued. Looking at it now, I will definitely push the limits further. Thanks again.
This 'creation' has a certain 'menstrual' feel about it. It's probably that pink blot there. Using tiny silhouettes and spicing everything with gradients & huge drop shadow doesn't help too. Real amateur stuff.
maybe this was inspiration
maybe not.My advise is, make it more simple