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PJD Construction

Brief from client 

Brief summary: wants to attract Major Developers, Real Estate/Commercial Investors, Engineers, Architect, and General Contractors

Core values: Quality, efficiency, and integrity

Other: the client wanted it to be based on their family crest

Hit me hard if you've got it ;)


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

This is an interesting start but there's still much work left to do.

These antlers look really weird, almost like some kind of chandeliers.

The stag looks super bummed out like it really doesn't want to be here.

The font is fine, it matches that classy feel you gave that logo, but you need to find a different yet complimenting type for the subtext, so it's not so redundant.

vk-des's picture

Thank you for your thoughts, they've been super helpful. I'd value your opinions on Version 2.

cooperads's picture
196 pencils

I agree with Shawali for the most part. I think a different font for the PJD is in order; the J isn't defined enough. The stag isn't working. You tried to take the antlers and form the top part of a shield, but like Shawali said, it looks more like a candelabra or a Menorah.

vk-des's picture

Thank you for your thoughts, they've been super helpful. I'd value your opinions on Version 2.

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I 100%
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.
  • Version 2

    • I No votes yet.
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.