Brief from client
6) The logo must symbolize innovation and simplicity. It must be a logo that customers and clients want to be associated to, an industry leader.
7) Key words: entertainment, fashionable, innovation, high tech.
(c) African Cyber Revolution | The Power of 1
i frankly wouldnt want to be asociated with this. it is not simple, it does not spell high tech and it looks like the child between a high resolution flat screen tv company, a seatbelt and dolby digital. i see no reason for the gradients and why the digital is written like that.
restart it and come up with a better ideea.
you need to learn the basic principles on how to make a successful logo.sorry not good rework.
Love the fallen pixels or bits (or broken windows) in the P but thats all...
i see the plug and i see the pixels but i don't think it will work. scratch it and start over
I like it... sorry dudes!