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Reel Keepers 4

Brief from client 

None supplied. Got a phone call from the client. The company does video production, video editing, motion graphics, post production audio, accounting, bookkeeping and tax returns.
They said they specialize in "keeping--whether it's bookkeeping, documentaries or shot logs."

1 Line Version


Shawali's picture
1379 pencils

I'm generally not a fan of the symbol in between word, it can make the logo a bit less legible. Here, some people might read it as "reelOkeepers".

Also, this is the same logo as version 1, just with a different composition.

Roberteddy's picture
2 pencils

If it's video production, should not the pictorial element be video related and not film related?

buzzroberts's picture
3 pencils

Yes. The client has pushed it in a different direction. They were clear that they really didn't want to accentuate the filmmaking side of their business more than the bookkeeping side.
Back to the drawing board.

Thom the Signmaker's picture

I thought when I saw this that the film reel represented a lock and that reel keeping was like preserving film, protecting it, locking it up safe. If that were the case I think this is excellent. Now that I know this is not the case I can't say the logo reflects info about the business.

Version history

  • Version 1

    • I 100%
    • S 100%
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.
  • Version 2

    • I No votes yet.
    • S No votes yet.
    • T No votes yet.
    • C No votes yet.