Brands of the World is the largest free library of downloadable vector logos, and a logo critique community. Search and download vector logos in AI, EPS, PDF, SVG, and CDR formats. If you have a logo that is not yet present in the library, we urge you to upload it. Thank you for your participation.
Rehoboth Youth Organisation Logo
kaungu89 | Wed, 07/13/2016 - 12:57
Brief from client
Community Organisation Logo
This Logo is for a Zambian Community based Organisation involved in helping, supporting and promoting the social welfare of the privileged and Youths in the Community...
Now, where to begin... I'm afraid this isn't really looking good, unfortunately. I'll go as far as to say it doesn't really qualify as a logo.
First off, I have no idea what I'm looking at. What are these thick blue lines? What do they represent ? Are they initials ? I have no idea.
Then one of the golden rules of logo design is to never EVER under any circumstances use photographs. A logo should always be vector based. Picture are made out of pixels. With vector, you can infinitely increase the size of your logo. If you put a photograph in it, it will pixelate and looks bad.
On top of that why did you pick that particular picture? Why are the USA are in focus while your organisation is based in Zambia? This is the kind of things you need to take into consideration.
To conclude on that picture problem, you aren't the one who made it. You don't want to use somebody else's work in your logo. Copyright could apply too.
I guess that you are new to logo design, so it's perfectly normal that you didn't achieve a great logo. Only work and experience will make you better.
Honestly, I did as j.o.y said - but, also, see a partial youth's head/neck/shoulder/upper right arm starring at a globe. Agree with Charlie's comments.The only other thing would like to mention is that there ( on a photo ) are Canada, Mexico and Central America, too.
What you need is a proper creative process. Check out my comment on this thread where I give a quick run down of what such a process should consist in:
make dozens and dozens of sketches, preferably less than 90 seconds. you got to let that process happen. have the values and ideas you want to portray in mind. don't give up, but don't short the process either. making logos is NOT easy.
Hi Miguel and welcome.
Now, where to begin... I'm afraid this isn't really looking good, unfortunately. I'll go as far as to say it doesn't really qualify as a logo.
First off, I have no idea what I'm looking at. What are these thick blue lines? What do they represent ? Are they initials ? I have no idea.
Then one of the golden rules of logo design is to never EVER under any circumstances use photographs. A logo should always be vector based. Picture are made out of pixels. With vector, you can infinitely increase the size of your logo. If you put a photograph in it, it will pixelate and looks bad.
On top of that why did you pick that particular picture? Why are the USA are in focus while your organisation is based in Zambia? This is the kind of things you need to take into consideration.
To conclude on that picture problem, you aren't the one who made it. You don't want to use somebody else's work in your logo. Copyright could apply too.
I guess that you are new to logo design, so it's perfectly normal that you didn't achieve a great logo. Only work and experience will make you better.
Keep it up!
Thanks For The Advise, I Really Appreciate...
Side boob! :O
haha. now that's all I see.
That's what I was thinking as well. Kudos for saying it though! :D
never include a photograph in a logo. It's one of the fundamental basics.
Thank You...
Honestly, I did as j.o.y said - but, also, see a partial youth's head/neck/shoulder/upper right arm starring at a globe. Agree with Charlie's comments.The only other thing would like to mention is that there ( on a photo ) are Canada, Mexico and Central America, too.
Thanks For The Advise Guys, I Guess Its Back To The Drawing Board For Me...
You're welcome.
What you need is a proper creative process. Check out my comment on this thread where I give a quick run down of what such a process should consist in:
I hope it helps.
make dozens and dozens of sketches, preferably less than 90 seconds. you got to let that process happen. have the values and ideas you want to portray in mind. don't give up, but don't short the process either. making logos is NOT easy.
Jeff, I like a part of your comment " don't give up " - well said.