Roodnat Design
dieter173 | Mon, 04/07/2014 - 10:32
Brief from client
this logo is about minimalism.
the 3 rounds with RGB colors when the overlay they can make any color there is. thats the power of this logo. you can make everything with the basic things.
the colors of the typography is the red of R is from rood the color for red in dutch, the color bleu of the word nat i have taking the color of blue, and green for design to make the RGB colors complete.
all the things together is minimalism and you can make anything with the basic.
Looking Good,
Duidelijk logo, goed gebruik gemaakt van kleuren.
Nice one!
Sorry, unlike all your friends say here, this logo is not working at all.
Forget the RGB/CMYK thing, it's been done to death for many years. It's totally unoriginal and amateurish.
The overlapping letters looks very uneasy and gimmicky. The very small spaces between each edge of the ascenders create a visual tension. Either overlap the letters all the way or don't.
I'd start over from scratch, with a pen a paper. Only use the computer to get as much inspiration as you can - - and to execute your idea after much sketching.
Good luck!
For a beginning designer it's a good start. Biggest issue is the position of the symbol and the overlapping letters. The symbol is to much in competition with the letters RND. Also because it has the same colors. Try other positions for the symbol and other colors for the letters (black).
jammerlijk, het idee van RGB gebruiken is al zo vaak gebruikt...
Het is niet het meest originele idee, maar het ziet er op zich wel goed uit. Vaak als je logo veel kleuren heeft, dan kan het te druk overkomen. Hier valt dat nog wel mee.