Ruby Red BBQ
JonAtkinson | Fri, 04/01/2016 - 21:01
Brief from client
Bar-B-Que vendor who's name Ruby Red refers to the grapefruit. They are located in Polk County, Florida, from where I hail. They had asked about possibly incorporating this. They asked about incorporating the shape of Florida or Polk County but I strongly suggested staying clear of this as, and anyone who has dried to design with the shape of Florida knows, it's a complete pain in the ass because of the awkward shape. I have some alternates I'll post below as well as a couple of other versions.
Meh... Compared to version 3, this one doesn't hold much water.
The font work is cool, but I'm really not feeling the grapefruit. It's not something that I would associate with BBQ.
This is the best of the three, maybe if you added the flame to this one similar to the other two it would fit better with the BBQ theme.